Deal with Complexity and Risk in Professional Relationship: The Transdisciplinary Logic

  • Luc Desbois Franc¸oise Kourilsky associe , Charge d’etude a` l’Ecole de Droit et Management de Paris Pantheon Sorbonne, Paris, France
Keywords: complexity, transdisciplinary logic, human relationship


If the individual is a black box, an encounter is a risk that has to be managed. In everyday life, no one stops to think about relationships. Unless they serve an intention that “is not self-evident”, that makes an unusual emotion emerge. Do we think about the way we say hello to a colleague, unless we intend to get something from this “hello”? The transposition of the human relationship in the professional environment leads to a change in the reality level: putting on the clothes of a character and playing his part in a logical context that serves the aim and the plan of the organization, that itself is under the pressure of a demand that is quantitatively insatiable, and technically extremely demanding. Since the creation of wealth does not rely on an open-ended honey pot, de facto, the performance requirement becomes both an individual and group concern. The organization performance cannot suffer from the excessive variableness of the professional character’s reactions. Paradox among the paradoxes, getting the best out of the relational potential of a system that is organized, focused, constrained, would then consist in establish- ing an evolutionary relational framework to control, without killing it, what, out of the professional environment, comes within what is uncontrollable and spontaneous. How then, can we deal with the complexity and the risk in relationship, leveraging the transdisciplinary logic?

How to Cite
Desbois, L. (2012). Deal with Complexity and Risk in Professional Relationship: The Transdisciplinary Logic. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 3.