Epistemological Awareness and Transdisciplinary Attitude: Experiencing the Embodied Being

  • Enrique Vargas Madrazo Centro EcoDialogo, Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico
  • Irmgard Rehaag Centro EcoDialogo, Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico
Keywords: body-being, experiential learning, evo- lutionary learning communities, planetary crisis, deep dialogue, human sustainability


Epistemological-ontological fundamentals and their application in the Community of Learning at the Eco-Dialogue Center is the principal topic in this chapter. The reflections are based on recognizing that wisdom and knowledge cannot be attained in the absence of the body, since the latter provides the stage for the physical-emotional- mental-spiritual articulation for our being and know- ing. Through transdisciplanary re-learning based on the development of emotional-cognoscitive abilities, personal, communitary and planetary sustainability becomes possible.

How to Cite
Madrazo, E. V., & Rehaag, I. (2012). Epistemological Awareness and Transdisciplinary Attitude: Experiencing the Embodied Being. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 3. https://doi.org/10.22545/2012/00023