Information and the Future of Transdisciplinarity

  • Joseph E. Brenner Chemin du College 1, CH-1865 Les Diablerets, Switzerland
Keywords: Common good, information, logic, philosophy, science, society, transdisciplinarity


Transdisciplinarity, in the conception of Basarab Nicolescu, places the human being at the center of its preoccupations. Participation in transdisciplinary research and practice thus is not simply an intellectual exercise but an ethical enterprise whose finality is the furthering of the common good. In this acceptation, a key role is played by a non-standard logic, Logic in Reality, which provides a grounding of ethical behavior in physical science. In this paper, I argue that part of the ‘future’ of transdisciplinarity lies in the joint application, to problems of the common good, of its core theses together with recent perspectives from the science and philosophy of information. Information and informational processes, in the conception of Wu Kun, are transdisciplinary and can be seen to evolve according to the principles of Logic in Reality. Together these concepts constitute a theoretical approach to a Global Sustainable In- formation Society that is both rigorous and humanist

How to Cite
Brenner, J. E. (2015). Information and the Future of Transdisciplinarity. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 6.