Legacy Interface Adapter Design Modeling: Part-I

  • Lonney J. Head Raytheon Company, Dallas, Texas, USA
Keywords: Legacy system, adapter software design, axiomatic design


Technology is changing at a very rapid rate. Many deployed/fielded information systems are aging and  becoming  legacy  systems that continue to operate and perform as required. However, as time goes by, maintainability of these systems is becoming an increasing issue. Also, the dissemination of information and data from the legacy systems to modernized systems is becoming more prominent within industry. With the technology evolution, there is a need to adapt legacy systems to modern architected systems. The objective of this project is to educate the reader about available design considerations and processes to consider when developing an adaptor type interface with a legacy system. An interface adapter example is utilized throughout this paper to provide the reader with sufficient information to get started on their own design. This paper is intended to visit several design topics and processes; component-oriented axiomatic design, architectural considerations, and project planning. Through the survey of these topics, the reader will have a framework and a model in which to get a head start. Many of these topics are cross disciplinary in nature and may be used with a variety of systems.

How to Cite
Head, L. J. (2015). Legacy Interface Adapter Design Modeling: Part-I. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 6. https://doi.org/10.22545/2015/00059