Transdisciplinarity and Biomimicry

  • Sue L. T. McGregor Faculty of Education Mount Saint Vincent University, 166 Bedford Highway, Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada, B3M 2J6
Keywords: transdisciplinarity, biomimicry, design spiral, complexity


Capitalizing on the emergent movement towards integrating transdisciplinarity with biomimicry, this paper provides an overview of the biomimicry approach,  including discussion of its three basic dimensions: (a) nine principles of life; (b) nature as model, measure and mentor; and, (c) the Design Spiral methodology. If the intent of trans- disciplinarity is to understand the world in all its complexities, and the world includes humans, non- humans and nature, then it makes sense to gain insights from non-humans (other species) and na- ture, the intent of biomimicry

How to Cite
McGregor, S. L. T. (2013). Transdisciplinarity and Biomimicry. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 4.