Practicing Transdisciplinary Methodology within the Frame of a Traditional Educational System

  • Mirela Muresan “Moise Nicoara” National College, Arad, Romania
Keywords: transdisciplinary education, curriculum design, transdisciplinary teaching and learning, competences, values


Everybody knows that the present educational system is mostly built on disciplinary teaching- learning basis: disciplinary curriculum and assessment, disciplinary specialization of the teachers, disciplinary diplomas, etc. The topic of this study-case offers the opportunity to look for some proper answers to the following problems: could the transdisciplinary methodology be applied within the frame of a disciplinary system of education? How could it be done? What would be its challenges, limits, and perspectives?  The case represents the transdisciplinary didactic experiments conceived and performed at “Moise Nicoara” National College from Arad, Romania, during the last five years. The term and concept of “transdisciplinarity” will be used as it was defined by Professor Basarab Nicolescu.

How to Cite
Muresan, M. (2013). Practicing Transdisciplinary Methodology within the Frame of a Traditional Educational System. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 4.